Justifying a Software Purchase is Easier When Your Riders do This

Many university transit operators find it difficult to justify the need and expense of campus transportation software. Understandably, much of an educational institution’s resources are devoted to the more flashy areas. But, when a system benefits all the students, staff and visitors, it can definitely be something to sing about. And that’s exactly what this group from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga (the UTC Mockingbirds) did. Before you check out their YouTube video, first take a look at their inspiration: the new Mocs Express Shuttle. And before you even do that, think about the enormous benefits to being able to offer a service of this magnitude to your riders.
Daily Services Offer Year-round Benefits
While there may be a lot of attention and resources devoted elsewhere on campus, an educational institution’s infrastructure is an essential service. While a sporting event may draw attention (and certainly boost future student enrolment) it may only exist at a certain time of the year. Whereas, quality transit is a benefit that draws attention all year long. This is why the UTC Mockingbirds decided to honor their new shuttle with this YouTube homage.
Expanded Service Requires Campus Transportation Software
The great thing about UTC’s expanded service through their Mocs Express is that it intersects nicely and conveniently to the greater city’s transit system. The CARTA system has a number of fixed-location bus stops that align with the UTC free shuttle service, making it even easier and safer for students to connect to the university and parking areas. You can imagine, however, how difficult it would be to offer this level of scheduling and timing if you were doing this on paper and over the phone. Using specially designed campus transportation software is essential in order to coordinate the integration of a shuttle service with a larger transit agency.
What Matters to Your Riders?
Your students, faculty and visitors may not realize that a transit system is dependable and reliable ‑ until it ceases to function smoothly. But when the infrastructure suffers and / or fails to deliver on its promise of secure and safe transit, it is a huge public relations nightmare. When trying to show the benefit of a smooth-running system, administration and board members may respond to the perils attached to a break down in their infrastructure. It’s more than PR. Campus transit agencies are the life’s blood of campus life.
Whether you’re looking to expand your transit services with a shuttle bus or are simply looking to streamline your current system, learn more about TripSpark’s campus transportation software. Automation can facilitate the scheduling and planning process. As well, rider data collection is automated so you can get a better overview of where congestion is a problem and develop a more efficient system. In the end, your students will thank you, either by using the system more, or (if you’re very lucky) by praising you with a song.