Get the support you need to efficiently implement and operate your TripSpark solutions! We offer a range of support services, from foundation level to strategic partnership. Your success is our number one priority.

TripSpark provides essential support services including 24/7 technical assistance, powerful support resources, and product updates. You have access to development engineers and customer support specialists, so we can offer you complete, dependable, fully-integrated service through

Need help? Find it at TripSpark Community and TripSpark Help. TripSpark’s one-stop online technical support portal offers a wealth of resources for you. Search knowledge, participate in communities, log/track service requests, sign up for alerts, view product health recommendations, download product updates/patches and documentation, take advantage of TripSpark Maintenance and Upgrade Advisors, and much, much more.

TripSpark Training Center

From beginner to expert, TripSpark users can receive hands-on training to improve productivity and expertise with our products, third party applications and background systems.

On site, and through ongoing webinars and workshops, users are trained to the highest levels possible in order to optimize system efficiencies defined by an agency’s business requirements.

For more information, or to suggest a training topic, call Customer Care at 1-877-411-8727

To view classes and register, go to

How to Contact TripSpark Customer Care

TripSpark Technologies is committed to providing the best customer care in the industry. There are several different ways you can contact us for assistance.

– Our Call Center is here to serve you from: 8AM to 8PM ET, Monday to Friday
– Outside business hours, for emergency calls, call our toll-free number and listen carefully to the menu options before leaving a message to ensure your call is routed properly and you are responded to promptly. Leave your name, organization name, and your number with a brief description of your problem.
– Please contact Customer Care (the toll-free number) instead of a TripSpark specialist directly. It will help us serve you better.– Visit our Customer Care portal to submit support requests, track your support tickets, access documentation and more.
– Simply login with your username and password.
– Please contact Customer Care if you need to have a login created.
– Support tickets submitted via the web or email are handled as “regular” priority, so if your request is urgent, please use our toll-free number.– Include as much detail as you can, along with any attachments that will help us serve you better.
– We will reply to your email and acknowledge receiving it.
– If your request is urgent, please use our toll-free number.
– To send a secure message to TripSpark, please visit
– Below, you will find additional information about HIPAA and PHI.
FAX905-238-8408– Address your fax to the Customer Care Dept. and include a call-back number.
– If your request is urgent, please use our toll-free number.
MAILTripSpark Technologies
Attn: Customer Care Department
1980 Matheson Blvd, Unit D
Mississauga, ON Canada L4W 5N3

TripSpark Technologies
Attn: Customer Care Department
333 – 96 Ave NE
Suite 5113
Calgary, AB Canada T3K 0S3

 The HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requires that all PHI (Protected Health Information) must be kept secure. HIPAA outlines the ways in which an organization must secure PHI it has collected and stored within its physical and digital boundaries. Ensure you always protect any data containing PHI before sending it to us.

As technology evolves and more data is stored in more places, providing a secure digital environment for your data continues to be paramount to our operations here at TripSpark. As such, you will be required to mask SQL databases containing ePHI prior to upload to our FTPS site, This new security measure went into effect February 11, 2019. If you require an exception via another protocol, please let us know as soon as possible.

For further information, contact Customer Care.