Reporting Made Easy
Automated data gathering technology allows you to efficiently assemble large amounts of accurate data into usable reports. You need to explore and view your data in unique ways, whether for operational review, or for specific granting agency requirements. Our solution allows you to drill down to granular information quickly so you can create customized, dynamic reports that are as detailed as you require. With drag-and-drop simplicity you can toggle between tabular reports, charts, or combination reports at the touch of a button.
Create and Share Stock or Custom Reports
Reports are not only easy to generate, they are easy to share. Simply export as: PDF, CSV, XLS, DOC, RTF or text. And because all information is up to date, you can be assured that data is relevant. Have access to a comprehensive suite of stock reports including:
- NTD (e.g. average revenue hours/miles)
- On-time performance & schedule adherence
- Ridership information (e.g. AM vs. PM ridership)
- Vehicle location & fare information

Do More With Your Data
No more static reports. Not only can you easily build your initial report, but you can also interact with generated reports. This way, you can explore your data with greater ease and mobility and changes are applied in real time. You can easily change the sorting criteria based upon:
- Column names
- Formats
- Conditional formatting
- Re-grouped data

Analyze System-Wide Efficiencies
By assembling key data, you gain the insight needed to make operational changes in order to reduce wasted resources. Historical playback of events can examine route and schedule adherence to reveal how well your system is performing. As well, monitor:
- Ridership statistics on particular routes
- Ridership at certain times in the day
- Bus capacity and quality of service
- Bus stop locations to ensure ideal placement