Because of companies like Lyft and Uber, there has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the benefits of ridesharing and even what the term “ridesharing” even means. Both of these companies are currently changing their models in order to better align with what the public actually wants: a legitimate carpooling solution. The main takeaway from this discussion is the fact that riders are demanding a carpooling option and that the marketplace is responding. If this is the future of the daily commute, is your corporation or municipal government able to respond?
The Goals of Ridesharing
Consumers are becoming wary of companies that call themselves “ridesharing” due to the fact that they actually put more vehicles on the road. For a proper trip sharing program to be effective, it needs to address these areas of concern:
- Reducing traffic congestion
- Cutting greenhouse gas emissions
- Conserving fuel
- Reducing the demand parking
Simply put, ad hoc apps, are not a substitute for a government managed regional rideshare programs. Without oversight, commutes are managed entirely by the riders, which doesn’t help an agency monitor its ridesharing initiative, nor be able to report upon accurate information in order to establish credible proof that they are enacting a rideshare program for environmental benefits.
What Ridesharing Management Software Should Have
Transparency is extremely important to municipal governments. This is why operational software is essential in order to report upon key areas of disclosure. Keeping a program running efficiently means you need to have the ability to track and report user mode shifts from single occupant vehicles to using transit, carpooling, vanpooling, bicycling, walking, etc. You need to be able to report on this performance back to funding agents. You will need to have reliable statistics to quantify the beneficial impact on the environment. Funding agents will also want to examine the economic and energy savings.
There is more to managing a ride-matching program than simply collecting emails and setting up profiles. Schedules need to be organized in order to match the correct vehicle with the right rider for both the voyage to work as well as guaranteeing the return ride home. Permit management will help to ensure that all permits are current and that drivers have a clean record and history. Ridesharing management software operates not only provided access to a database but also powers the scheduling functions that are essential.
Shifting the Thinking
In a poll of 6 major American cities, results show that 28% of young people, aged 22-27 (your future constituents) now use ridesharing/carpooling options. This may indicate the future mindset of commuters in the US. It’s up to you to change the way in which your present stakeholders think about transportation. An organization-wide initiative towards thinking green will encourage employees to reduce their reliance on energy-wasting, single occupant trips. In the end, your stakeholders want to see a commitment towards making a difference, and in the future, this mindset may become the general standard of transportation in America.
Learn more about ridesharing management software solution RidePro, the industry standard in rideshare software, by downloading our solution sheet.