Connecting Brokers & Providers

Provider Mobile is a mobile app used by providers’ drivers that enables the real-time exchange of data between brokers, providers and drivers. With the app, you can ensure quality service is provided, help your providers improve their service, and streamline trip assignment and billing processes.

Real-Time Vehicle Location Tracking

When a driver is logged into Provider Mobile and doing a trip for your brokerage, you and the provider will both see their real-time location on a map. Real-time visibility into provider vehicles allows you and your providers to monitor and improve service.

  • When you receive a will-call, quickly see if there are any nearby vehicles that can provide the trip
  • Answer “where’s my ride” inquiries with confidence and provide a realistic ETA
  • Ensure clients are receiving timely service
  • Ensure drivers are waiting the appropriate amount of time before recording a no-show

Streamline Trip Assignment

Provider Mobile allows drivers to see all of their pre-assigned trips. If a driver has completed all of their pre-assigned trips, they may select from additional trips that are available to perform.

  • Allow drivers to see all their assigned trips within the app
  • Notify drivers when a new trip has been assigned
  • Receive confirmation as soon as a driver selects to do an available, unassigned trip
  • Shorten the wait time for will calls and same day bookings
  • Improve brokers’ and providers’ scheduling efficiency

Streamline Trip Completion & Billing

Provider Mobile allows both you and your providers to speed up and improve the accuracy of administrative processes.

  • Instantly receive trip completion data the moment it is recorded
  • Confirm that trips have been performed for the appropriate person
  • Ensure drivers record completion information before starting their next trip

Toggle Availability On/Off

With Provider Mobile, drivers can set themselves to “Available” when ready for work, and to “Unavailable” when not available for service or when doing other work.

  • Gain insight into provider network capacity. See how many providers and drivers are currently available in a chosen area
  • Ensure that your trip data won”t get mixed in with trip data for other brokers. Data transmission can be turned off when doing other work
  • Ensure drivers aren’t incorrectly assigned a trip during a time when they are unavailable. It is not possible to assign a trip when “unavailable”

Give Drivers Instant Access to Vital Information

Reduce calls to your provider’s dispatchers by allowing drivers to easily access trip and rider information themselves.

  • Drivers will see information about their selected trip, including pick-up and drop-off windows, phone numbers and comments
  • The integrated Google map allows drivers to view suggested routes and see their current location on their chosen route

Available for Android and iOS

Provider Mobile is a flexible app-based tool that can be downloaded onto any Apple or Android device.

On the Trip Details screen, drivers will see information about their selected trip, including pick-up and drop-off windows, phone numbers and comments. The integrated GPS function allows drivers to view suggested routes and see their current location on their chosen route. Provider Mobile gives you and your providers access to the same GPS information that drivers see, but for all of your trips

  • Drivers self-install after finding the app in the Google Play or Apple app store
  • Works “out of the box” with no configuration necessary
  • Automatically updates, like any other Apple or Android app
  • Can be customized to match your agency branding

Provider Mobile

Provider Mobile is a smartphone app used by provider drivers that enables the real-time exchange of data between brokers, providers and drivers. It provides benefits for both the Broker and Providers. Download the solution sheet for more information.